538 Gifts


538 Gifts

$98,133 Raised

Students walking towards Engineering Hall

College of Engineering

3,103 Dollars

18 Gifts

In the College of Engineering, we are movers, shakers, and difference-makers. Badger engineers don’t just learn engineering, we do it every day. We think boldly and act confidently — as engineers and as engaged global citizens. We work together, fuel discoveries, and make an impact through our leadership.  

Engineering the future starts with a bold vision for our future. We’re…

  • constructing flexible spaces that allow us to learn, experiment, and invent collaboratively; 
  • enhancing research opportunities and experiences for undergraduates; 
  • attracting the best students and providing them the financial support to make their Badger engineering education possible. 

Your gifts are an investment in our quality. And that allows us to focus on being excellent — in our students’ learning, in game-changing research, and in service to our world. Please consider giving today.  

Recent Donors




Heather & Bradley Neils

Jeff Roznowski

Jen-Wu Huang

Donald & Kay Schmidt

Katie Wolters

Bettinger Family

Mike Holland



Martha Ahrens

John and Kristine Stichman

Bill and Nancy Barbiaux

Bruce Walker


Wendy B

See all donors on our virtual Bascom Hill

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