538 Gifts


538 Gifts

$98,133 Raised

Hundreds of plastic pink flamingos adorn Bascom Hill at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as part of the annual "Fill the Hill" event, held this autumn on Oct. 28, 2016. The event, which is part of the UW's "All Ways Forward" campaign, places a pink flamingo on Bascom Hill for each donation received that day. (Photo by Jeff Miller/UW-Madison)

You’re Leading the Flock!

Welcome, early birds! Every year, in honor of one of the most memorable UW pranks ever pulled, we fill Bascom Hill with as many pink lawn flamingos as we can. Each flamingo represents one gift made to the university during Fill the Hill. With more than 100 areas to support across campus, choose a cause that makes your heart squawk — er, sing. Then, check out the wall of donor names on our digital Bascom Hill. Don’t forget to strike your best flamingo pose in our digital photo booth and share it using #UWflamingos! 

This year, the flamingos are celebrating the university’s 175th anniversary. Join us for this fabulous, feathery fête — and help ensure that UW–Madison remains a world leader of education, research, and innovation for another 175 years! 

Want to take the flamingo festivities to the next level? When you give $350 or more, we’ll send you a commemorative plastic lawn flamingo of your own. (That’s 175 twice — to celebrate each of the university’s first 175 years and support the next 175.)